The fourth example recorded with a crescent on the obverse
Los 312
Nezana/Nezool, circa 480s-500. Chrysos (Gold, 17 mm, 1.61 g, 12 h). ΘЄΟΥ Є-ΥΧΛΡΙCΤΙΛ Draped half-length bust of Nezana/Nezool to right, wearing tiara and circular earring, holding spear in his right hand and with bracelets on his right arm; to inner right, crescent; to left and right, ears of barley; above, cross. Rev. ΗЄΖΛΗ-Λ ΒVCIΛЄΥC Draped half-length bust of Nezana/Nezool to right, wearing tight-fitting head cloth and circular earring, holding branch in his right hand and with bracelets on his right arm; to left and right, ears of barley; above, cross. Hahn, Aksumite, 38b. Hahn & Keck, MAKS, 52. Munro-Hay, AC, type 79. Extremely rare, the fourth example recorded with a crescent on the obverse, and among the best known for the type. The flan slightly wavy, otherwise, extremely fine.

From the Dr. Stephan Coffman Collection, ex Baldwin's of St. James 40, 21 November 2019, 15.

Nezana/Nezool eventually replaced the previous 'King of the Land of the Abyssinians' title with the Christian message 'ΘЄΟΥ ЄΥΧAΡΙCΤΙA'. This could either be interpreted as the gratitude of mankind towards God, or as Hahn & Keck (MAKS, p. 106) argue, the benevolence of God towards mankind. The latter interpretation is supported epigraphically and fits well with the rare silver issues of Nezana/Nezool (see lot 315 below) with the legend 'ΘЄΟΥ XAPI(C)', i.e., 'The grace of God', from which the benevolence mentioned on the gold coins flows forth. Ironically, a crescent is also depicted, formerly used as a pagan symbol on the Axumite coinage, but likely devoid of such meaning by this time.
1500 CHF
1200 CHF
4200 CHF
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